***Government / Military Delivery Only***
SPCS Only; does not include plates or cummerbund.
The SPCS – Soldier Plate Carrier System is the current U.S. Army Plate Carrier System currently issued to all combat troops in Afghanistan (over 60,000 units). Following lengthy review, field evaluations and analysis, the U.S. Army standardized on this system as a result of the following key factors: (1) weight and comfort, (2) ballistic performance, and (3) delivery . The lightest plate carrier studied by the U.S. Army, with the highest ballistic performance as well. This plate carrier/vest provides the soldier with a lightweight option to the standard issue IOTV (Improved Outer Tactical Vest) and is designed to meet the requirements of troops working in high-altitude and rugged terrain. The system balances the fine line between coverage vs. mobility.